
Asking for your opnions

For my English essay I need to collect quotations from teenagers about the Internet. So please comment below your opinions discussing if young people are victims of technology – I’m specifically talking about the Internet. If you want to know more about my side of the argument, take a look at my last post here (which I’m actually proud of) You don’t have to write much , but itΒ  would be a huge help if you either expressed your opinions here or on my last post.

Thank you so much for reading,


62 thoughts on “Asking for your opnions

      1. Yes definitely! I hate how different this generation is, I honestly feel awful for kids who are bullied today. I imagine it being twenty times harder than when I was, and that was only 7 years ago. But this generation in high school, social media is so much larger now, I couldn’t imagine.

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      2. Yes! Even 7 years ago, Facebook wasn’t as poppin as it is now. My parents did NOT understand, it was always “ignore them”. I couldn’t imagine telling my child that now, knowing how big social media is now. Social media has a huge impact on kids lives, it’s insane.

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  1. Young people are only victims when a crime has been committed, or in other people’s eyes. To us, the Internet can be our home, our safe place – much more than real life in. some cases. Saying we are victims could take away our happiness, when people who do not understand what we go through say tx is dangerous.

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    1. YES ELM. I totally agree with your points (even though I accept other people’s that I don’t agree with, because i need both sides of the argument) I really feel like the Internet is my home and I care about it SO much, it annoys me when ignorant people attack the Internet, when they don’t know anything about the positives (not that the negatives don’t exist but maybe if they weren’t so ignorant we would be able to solve them better)

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      1. I hate when people patronize me about something they know something about, but they think they’re superior because they’re older. I’m not saying I know everything about the Internet (far from it) but I think the older generation actually have a lot to learn about the positive and negative powers of the Internet, it would be useful if they listened to us.


  2. The internet is a huge, great invention. It’s wonderful and through these days we could not live without it, but if you are not smart it can be unsafe.

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      1. Agreed. The internet can be a wonderful thing really! But there’s just too much exposure out there right now. I remember at the age of 10 seeing my first music video on youtube and it was not appropriate for a girl of my age. So yes there needs to be more out there protecting us.

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      2. It is wonderful, it’s given us the power to have this conversation right now. And I remember being rather shocked by Lady Gaga’s Paparazzi music video when I was about 10. But I’m a really passionate believer of being body positive and women feeling beautiful, so probably seeing Gaga in her bra when I was 10, is now something I agree with (but that’s a discussion for another time!)

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  3. I think that kids, teens, and young adults are all victims of technology, but I also think the are not. Parents should have a roll in their child’s internet safety. There are actually trustworthy apps that parents can use on their electronic devices that can look over your child’s internet history and safety. I encourage parents using these apps so they can keep in track of what their child does on the internet but most importantly keep their child safe from any hackers or scammers.

    Eh I tried

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    1. Wow, thank you SO much. It’s really interesting to see the amount of censorship people want on the Internet. Generally, it seems people want to feel more protected. Thank you for your contribution, it helps so much!

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      1. Well, kids these days start to have social media accounts and other things on the internet at a very early age, so I’d say some where near the age of 8 or 9. I think they should stop monitoring them near the age of 18 or 19 because some young adults don’t even understand the things the internet can have hold on. More and more of these future adults are getting kidnapped because of this. But the parent should also not have a hold on their child for so long that it’s almost like they stalk them.

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      2. I think how much you monitor someone depends on the person, someone who is very fragile may need monitoring for their safety. But I think intense amounts of ‘stalking’ from parents can lower the level of trust between parents and teenagers.

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      3. I agree with you.
        Even though teens should be monitored it really all depends on the person. Some one who goes constantly on the the internet may need monitoring. But then someone who doesn’t have any connection with the internet does not need much monitoring. But the introverted teens who don’t like to share much with their parents, could be victims of the internet too.

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  4. I love the internet as although your parents always say “never talk to strangers online” where would we be with blogging?! Obviously, we talk to normal, lovely people though! I think the internet is great, but when your very young you can get exposed to inappropriate images and content which I think is awful. Also, the internet is another way for bullying to happen, there are many anonymous apps which allow bullying to happen without anyone knowing or being able to do anything about it. I think there needs to be stricter guidelines on the internet and some apps shouldn’t exist if its just a way people can be horrible! There needs to be more protection as children younger and younger are getting on the internet and it needs to be safe! x

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    1. I think by opening up such a public, free platform there is always going to be dangerous inplications and now we need to try and protect people from these problems, so that more people can enjoy the amazing creative space of the Internet. I agree, very young children can be exposed to too much on the Internet and I think adults need to be educated on how to protect their children from these risks, rather than banning them altogether. Thank you so much for your contribution Tash, I really found your comment interesting to read ❀ x


  5. I wouldn’t say we are ‘victims’ of the internet because the increased use of the internet isn’t a crime, it’s just the next development in technology and as a teenager I think the internet is great if you don’t let it take over your whole and control you. We choose to use the internet, and that’s completely fine. The only crime here is that younger children (like under 10s so not really teens) are having their childhoods ‘stolen’ from them because society expects everyone to have the latest technology and whatnot so kids spend more time on the internet than with their friends or being outside.

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    1. I think the race to have the latest technology is ridiculous, but it’s an example of consumerism something we’ve had for a long time – a larger issue that needs to be tackled as a whole. Although I think too much time using technology is unhealthy and can result in antisocial behavior, being outside definitely has positive effects on mental health. Thank you for your contribution, I appreciate it so much!

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  6. We all love the internet. But I think it can be a dangerous place. I feel we need to be more careful with what we say and do online.

    What I think people don’t realise is. If you put something up and delete it.
    It doesn’t just disappear. It’s saved onto the internet. You can NEVER take that down.
    So we must really be careful with what we put online.

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  7. I wrote an article on the same topic though it is scheduled for first April. In it, I wrote how addicted we teenagers are to the smart phones and technology. I’ll link the post when I publish it, if you want. πŸ™‚

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  8. Internet is both useful and handful. It’s always on your choice. You always have a choice. But still, there’s a saying that “think before you click”, this saying can’t get any better. We really need to think first and clarify our minds before posting on the social media. Social media can be very damaging and judgmental. The internet is really a dangerous place, let’s all be careful. And let’s stop cyber-bullying together. 😦

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  9. Honestly, I don’t think the internet is a bad thing. Adults say that it corrupts our minds and isn’t safe, but I think the internet makes life much easier. First of all, researching stuff for projects or homework help is much simpler and quicker. Second, contacting people for help isn’t bad either. The internet is only unsafe if you don’t use it properly (such as giving out too much personal info) but if people teach others how to be safe, the internet is extremely useful. In the matter of cyberbullying, there are ways to ignore it, get rid of it, or simply get help. You can find so many people to relate to and bond with through the internet, and it helps give you support, lets you know that you’re not alone, because sometimes the people you find on the internet are much kinder than the people you know in real life.

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  10. Bad stuff does happen on the Internet. But bad stuff also happens in real life too. I feel like the media take one story about something terrible that happened online and deems that because of this the Internet is a dangerous place. As long as you stay wise you’ll be fine.

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  11. i don’t know if you still need advice or not but I feel like technology is a sign of progress because this generation is made of really smart individuals and we’re constantly improving society in that way but technology also strips away humanity . Because of the internet , we can connect to people in different countries and that’s great because It makes it possible for me to talk to my mom in Africa . But Social media also plays a role in us loosing connections and the ability to do simple things everyday things . A lot of us now can’t even hold up a conversation in real life because we’re not in the comforts of our phones . My friends don’t even look at me when I talk to them because their eyes are glued to their phone screens texting other people when I’m trying to talk to them and that makes me mad because I too am addicted to my phone but I actually put my phone on the table and look at people when they’re talking.
    I feel like the internet is both good and bad because it make us loose touch of simple maners but It’s also a great way to jump start careers as teens. It’s helping and destroying teens the most in our society .

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    1. There is definitely huge advantages and disadvantages. I hate it when you’re trying to talk to people and they’re on their phone ignoring you. Anyway, thank you for your contribution, it really helps!

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  12. I’m totally not a teenager anymore (and still bitter about it, but that’s for another day :P) but, to see the internet from it’s conception… I can’t even tell you how absolutely in awe I am, to this day, with what the internet is. I mean, it was astounding when it first started, and it was just a few dinky little chat boards with very little functionality. The idea that you could talk to people from all over the place in a space that doesn’t *technically* exist… The internet is straight up science fiction. A digital world within a real world, that is absolutely real, and yet, in many senses, is absolutely intangibly not real. Mind = blown
    I’m just amazed at the amount of information you can access anymore. I mean, there’s definitely a mine field of absolute and utter horse sh….aped stuff and things, but, it doesn’t cut any of the glamor or amazement from it.
    As far as bullying goes, I don’t necessarily know that there’s more so much as there’s a larger chance for people to centralize their assholeness, just like people are more capable of centralizing their love and support. This centralization means more at one time, and from people you don’t even know, but not necessarily *relatively* more as a whole. I think the biggest thing is that people have the anonymity to say the cruelest things that they only imagine, and would never say in person. It, to me, is very similar to working in a call center. You don’t have a face, you aren’t personalized, and so people find it easier to be nasty.
    Overall, I think that the internet is more positive than negative, has more beautiful help than ugly hurt, and is just the most amazing, beautiful, exceptionally thing that the technological revolution has come up with, and I’m pretty sure I’m completely in love.

    Anyway, good luck, enjoy your paper and have a beautiful day!

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    1. I am very passionate myself about how AMAZING the Internet is, your right it’s complete sci-fi stuff. I’m constantly in awe of the power of it and I’m completely pro-Internet (that’s not a term but I’m making it one) It still amazes me now that we have the power to have this conversation, two people that otherwise, would probably never have had the chance. And I think people that use the Internet the way we do, really recognize the benefits more than others. But I know that bullying as a big issue on the Internet and I too think the safety blanket of anonymity on the Internet, makes people think less about the consequences of their actions and sort of desensitizes them from human emotion, as they don’t see the people they’re talking to as human, but just as another username. Thank you so much for your contribution to the discussion, it’s honestly so useful! My interest in this subject goes beyond my English essay and I’m just loving hearing other people’s opinions, which I’ve been able to read because of the Internet.

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      1. “It still amazes me now that we have the power to have this conversation, two people that otherwise, would probably never have had the chance”
        Yep. Very true right there. I’m in the US. So our crossing paths would be pretty much nil. (by the way, the geographical distance messed with me when looking at how you date your weekly logs. US is month/day/year, so I was trying to figure out why you were writing something for August 2016 (8/1?/2016)
        Well, I’m glad that you enjoy the input anyway!

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  13. I think the Internet is both a good and bad thing. It’s good, people who are different can express themselves and certain corners of the Internet (such as many blogs on here, some places on tumblr etc) allow for people to express themselves & make great friends. I for one have found amazing friends online on social platforms such as Twitter & WordPress because you really connect with people who have similar interests. The Internet boats creativity & is accepting so long as you don’t venture into the sides where this is not so good. Certain people fall victim to some horrible people where they can be bullied & that’s not right however I don’t feel this means all teenagers are bad when they’re online – there’s a select few mean people but really, who knows who they are?

    As for the whole ‘you’re obsessed with your phone’ which I often get from my parents, we’re not. We have people on here, it’s our new form of going out with friends, possibly ones who live half way across the globe & who we can’t go out with.

    I think the Internet is such a good thing for teenagers to have nowadays, we are all blossoming because of it & expressing exactly who we are & not being forced to conform to society’s rules of who we should be. So long as you go on the right path through the vast web, you’ll enjoy it & hopefully won’t fall into any nasty trapsπŸ’—

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    1. Yes I completely agree. My phone is my portal into a world of creativity and friends, that wouldn’t be able to talk with otherwise. Who can blame us for being ‘addicted’? Although we do need to recognise the problems with the internet, I think this can be tacked with more honesty and openness from adults about their experiences, also adults being more supportive of their children’s lives on the Internet, so if they have a problem they don’t feel scared/ashamed to talk about it. Lastly a better more recent education in schools about Internet safety. Anyway, thank you so much for your contribution, I really appreciate it!

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  14. I think people just need to be happier with themselves, that way they won’t need to put their burdens on others through cyberbullying. I have a post called cyberbullies, would you mind checking it out? πŸ˜€

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  15. Is it too late to say something? I’m going to anyways:
    The internet is home to a lot of amazing things yet, as teenagers, we are often told not to DO internet. Why? I sit because we procrastinate? Or is it because we are losing out on precious time with friends and family? Yes, maybe we are. Yet, we’re not victims. We can still go out and socialize if we want to. It’s all in the willingness to do it πŸ™‚

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    1. Yes, I think ‘victims’ is a very strong word and in this context has been misused. I think finding a balance is important, but we should still be able to enjoy what and amazing resource it actually is. Thank you so much for joining the discussion!

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  16. It is so easy to misunderstand each other over the internet like Facebook etc. but Facebook also makes it possible to keep contact and updates with friends and family fare away, which I appreciate πŸ™‚
    Still the Internet has change how people are together. People can not leave there iPhone or the Internet, they always have to check what happens on the social media. I’m not excuse because I’m a deal of it and I’m a bit addicted to my phone and the Internet πŸ˜πŸ˜”

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    1. I think people can become unhealthily addicted to the Internet, specifically social media. In a way it can make people less social but also, enables people that don’t know each other in real life (like us) to talk to each other, which I think is amazing. Thank you so much for the contribution!


      1. True and I agree. It can really make people less social, but it also makes a place where you can met other people with same passion and so.
        I think this it a very is interesting subject. πŸ™‚

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