Opnions and Ramblings

the natural woman (a discussion)

Currently my school is going on a rampage to stop girls from wearing ‘too much make-up’ and wearing short skirts. They are doing this by publicly shaming girls infront of their peers and considering anyone who wears a lot of make up/a short skirt to be an unintelligent, dumb slut who is not worth employing.… Continue reading the natural woman (a discussion)

Opnions and Ramblings · Poetry

The Fabric of a Virgin – a poem + discussion

l The Virgin Spring photographed by Julia Hetta The fabric of a virgin By Alexandra Harrison These clothes They are old and worn Sweat worked into the fabric Fading lines And tough caught skin In every stitch Of grey and black Stains pressed on skirts And scrubbed away with haste Dirt on the ankles Lace… Continue reading The Fabric of a Virgin – a poem + discussion

Opnions and Ramblings

The scramble for censorship and control on the Internet

“I would like to ban U16s from having smart phones all together” – Clare Foges, The Telegraph The Internet is feared and thus, the problems surrounding it are ignored with mindless simplicity and avoidance. We hear the stories in the media of Cyber bullying, sexual harassment, pressure to send nudes and political radicalization within a… Continue reading The scramble for censorship and control on the Internet