
Christmas Q&A

Merry Christmas one and all, there is only four days to go until the big day so I thought I might do a post that doesn’t involve death and lonely old people. I also feel like I haven’t done a ‘chatty’ blog post in a while. So sit down, grab your nearest snack item as I ramble about everything Christmas.

Thanks to everyone who put a question in (I have loads to get through!) I don’t want you to think I’m doing this Q&A because I consider myself some untouchable blogging celebrity with 3453538943924 fans, I just thought it would be a fun way/excuse for me to talk about Christmas and you guys seriously came up with some fabulous questions.

Favourite Christmas dessert?

Well I think we’ve began with the most important question. Probably Christmas pudding with brandy sauce.

If you had to do without one part of Christmas dinner, what would it be?

IT’S ALL SO GOOD! Possibly turnips…

What’s your strangest Christmas memory?

I heard jingle bells one Christmas Eve in a sort of dream like state.

What is the best part about Christmas for you

The build up, everyone is so excited.

What is one thing you wish to accomplish for your blog in 2016 ?

This is a fantastic question. When I started this blog I had no real goal,  I just wanted to document my life and thoughts etc. I guess I just needed a creative outlet. But now, this whole blogging business is going pretty well, so I want to continue to make more friends on here and hopefully further my writing skills.

Is there something that triggers your excitement?

Wrapping presents and watching Christmas films, my favourites include: Elf, The Grinch, A Christmas Carol and The Polar Express.

Worst Christmas memory?

I think Christmas always causes a little family tension because there is a pressure for everything to be great. So arguing is never fun. But specifically, one Christmas I spent the majority of the day hanging over the toilet as I was really sick.

Weirdest Christmas traditions?

See, every tradition is weird if it isn’t your tradition. I seem to not do any of the classic traditions such as table presents etc. My Dad always opens my brothers presents with him, whilst Mum opens mine with her. Although we obviously do talk during the whole experience. My gifts are always on the right hand side of the living room, whilst my brothers are always on the left hand side. We don’t put them under the tree either, as we don’t have enough room.

We like our Christmas to be sexist and practical.

(I am 100% joking by the way, Dad just was always a little more interested in my brother’s toy cars than my nail varnishes)

What specifically is your favourite thing about Christmas?

I love how everything is always just a little better. For example if you have had a bad day you can walk home down streets full of Christmas lights or watch a Christmas film on TV. And everyone is just a little kinder, as Fred says in the Christmas Carol ‘It is the only time of year when men seem to open up their shut up hearts and see men as fellow travelers to the grave and not some other race bound upon other journeys’ Or something like that.

Themed or random Christmas tree?

Themed! There is something about a perfectly decorated tree that makes my heart swoon. And my tree is a relic in itself, being like 25 years old.

Fake or real tree?

As it’s probably approaching it’s third millennium I bloody hope it’s fake.

Biggest wish for this Christmas?

For everyone to be happy.

 If Christmas was a colour, what would it be for you and why?

A velvety red, such a warm and happy colour.

Or the colour of blood. But I’m glass half full kind of person.

The ghost of Christmas past comes to visit. Where does he take you?

Probably either me in hospital or being with my Grandma.

 If you could have absolutely any present on Christmas, what would it be? (Not including things like world peace, alleviation of hunger etc.)

So I am assuming you want me to talk about something really materialistic. That’s really hard to decide! I’m going to go with a trip into space with my family, that would be life changing.

What books do you like to read during Christmas?

Anything good. I’m just happy that I have more time to read as there is no school during the holidays.


And that is all! Thank you to everyone who submitted questions, you pretty much wrote this post for me. Please take a look at my last poem ‘Eighteen Years’ here (cheeky plug). Sorry if you are getting sick of my crappy poetry, I’ll try to stop writing so many!  Merry Christmas everyone, sending you all lots of love.

Thank you so much for reading,



42 thoughts on “Christmas Q&A

      1. What’s more annoying is that I did two hours of notes yesterday of physics, and then found out that none of them are relevant. I was making notes on the wrong exam board

        Liked by 1 person

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  1. This is such a neat post! I loved reading all of your answers! We have the same favorite Christmas movies. 🙂 One of my all-time favorites, though, is It’s a Wonderful Life. Wow, your Christmas opening is weird! XD My family just sits around the room in a circle and we take turns opening gifts!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. i’m going through your blog posts and ohmygod you’re HILARIOUS. how have i not found you earlier???? you honestly made me laugh so hard! “we like our christmas to be practical and sexist”

    Liked by 1 person

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