
A very blogger Christmas and 100 followers?!

Hello! I have emerged once more. Merry Christmas, I am so sorry I haven’t been very active recently, I’ve been sleeping at friend’s houses and my family have come over. BUT, I’m back and the lovely Meganqm1 has tagged me to do the ‘Very Blogger Christmas’ tag thing, so let’s give this a go.

(Also my grammar is awful in this post, I’m super tired!)


  • Answer all the questions.
  • Change a question you don’t like
  • Nominate 5 people
  • Let them know you nominated them


  • Who would take the best photos?
    The Wandering Girl – I think their account is really pretty and well presented, I can imagine them taking good photos.
  • Who would turn up late?
    Luna’s Imagination Igloo
    – Because they are a very thoughtful and intelligent person, they would probably be too busy writing a really great blog post that they would forget to go to the party.
  • Who would keep everybody awake and happy?
    I feel like this would be me, because I am a very positive person who always wants everyone to be happy. What can I say, I’m lovely.
  • Who would make the worst Christmas jokes?
    Just Call Me Elm Or Something – To be honest, the jokes would certainly not be the worst, you always make me laugh and I can imagine you making a pun about crackers or something on Christmas day. *tries to make cracker pun* *fails*
  • Who would be the last one dancing?
    Leslie0726 – Well they’re a dancer…
  • Who would be in charge of Christmas music?
    Meganqm1 – Because we both like the literal angel Dodie Clark.
  • Who would make the best snowman?
    The Little Things In Life – They do lots of crafty posts, so I think they would be good constructing a superior snow warrior to rule over all snowmen.
  • Who is most likely to knock over the Christmas tree?
    I know I’ve nominated myself once, but I really don’t know who would do this apart from myself; who literally knocked the Christmas Tree down the other day, when trying to get to the back of the TV. Christmas highlights include me desperately scrambling for the baubles as they race to hide under the sofa…

My nominees are everyone who I talked about in this post – apart from Megan who has already done the tag. Please go check all their blogs out, they’re all amazing!

Other fun news – 100 followers?! I hit this on Tuesday I think, but as you know, I have literally been unable to post anything (partying hard). Thank you for following me. You are all beautiful individuals that I hopefully make smile occasionally. I am so glad I started this blog, it has been one of the best decisions of my entire life. Thank YOU for giving me so much more confidence in myself, your support literally means the world and I never feel like I deserve anything you ever say to me. I’m not really sure why you are listening to me – I’m not sure why anyone would care. But I’d just like to say thank you for all you have done and I care about you all so so so so much.

Merry Christmas! Have a lovely day tomorrow even if you don’t celebrate Christmas, you don’t need a date on a calender to tell you to have a good time.

Thank you so much for reading,




24 thoughts on “A very blogger Christmas and 100 followers?!

    1. I know, something messed up and the text is over the top of each other and I think it was who is most likely to turn up late. (I meant this in a nice way, as hopefully you will be able to read)


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