Life & Weekly Journal

Weekly Journal 8/02/16

Hello everyone, happy Valentine’s day! I’m sorry my post isn’t really matching to today’s celebrations, although I hope you enjoy reading nevertheless. Let’s go back in time to Monday Alex who actually remembered to write to you!

Monday: I’m actually writing on Monday. I actually remembered! And that’s not to do with the fact I have ‘journal’ written on my hand. True dedication. Tonight was completely dedicated to photography, I did my competition piece that literally makes me cry laugh because basically the brief was ‘aspirations’ but I ended up creating this terrifying mask and then covering myself with a black cloth like the grim reaper. The original idea was just to stick words onto my face to symbolize how life’s a story (cringe worthy) so I don’t know where I’m going yet. But then I bought a mask to stick the words onto and then covered my face with the mask, which obviously made it look terrifying. Combine this with blurry shutter speed (ghost effect), a black and white filter and being wrapped in a black cloak and you have one sinister picture. Not sure I’ll win under the category of ‘positive aspirations’ whoops.

I also took some light photos (the one’s where the camera follows the trail of light) and then I whacked it all into photoshop and edited for about four hours.

Whacked is such an embarrassing word I need to stop.

Not going to lie, school is getting on top of me a little and my mum is like getting really angry at everyone right now so I’m pretty stressed. And this doesn’t mean my mum is horrible, I love her so much, but I guess she just keeps jabbing at  me for little things and it all piles on top of you and it hurts more when it comes from someone you really respect and care about. I’m still okay though and I’m sure everything will chill out soon, because I’m feeling a little too emotional.

Tomorrow is shrove tuesday (we still don’t have any lemons omg) so I’ll see you then. I’m pretty sure shrove tuesday is a british thing (please tell me) especially the lemon and sugar part. I’m just happy to eat a load of pancakes. See you future folks!

Tuesday: Can I just tell you guys that you’re all amazing? I haven’t been blogging recently, because of lots of schoolwork, but the fact that when I do visit wordpress people are still reading my posts and leaving lovely comments makes me so so happy. And there are so many talented people on my reader and I want to talk to you all. I want to discover more blogs too and I just wish I had the time. Feeling like I don’t really have much time for anything at the moment, but hopefully this will change in half term. For example now I need to go to bed, but I want to read my book and I want to read some blog posts but I also want to write a poem and write my novella. BUT I CAN’T DO THESE THINGS and that makes me sad, because I should be able to do what I want.

In other news, I joined my Latin class! I’m now taking separate science, external photography and Latin, which means I get five more GCSEs than the normal person. THAT’S IF I DON’T HAVE A MENTAL BREAKDOWN. Although I’m really enjoying Latin, my favourite people are in my class and my teacher is so intelligent and witty. I just love the people I’m surrounded by and that’s so important.

Shrove Tuesday was cool, I had four crepe like pancakes, two with lemon and sugar (a classic) and two with nutella. Although my Dad got a little stressed because the whole logistics of frying pancakes and sitting down together with all the pancakes in the world in front of you just doesn’t work.

I think I’m going to attempt poetry now, even though I’m super tired and haven’t read properly in two days now, which makes me want to cry because I was doing so well and I love my book so much.

update: shit poem complete


Thursday: Hello again, how are we? I’m going to bullet point my thoughts today because I find that easier sometimes.

  • ‘bullet point’ is a strange name, I can see where they’re coming from but it’s a little violent for punctuation. It’s not even punctuation. It’s just a black dot. WHAT ARE YOU?
  • Okay that was completely off topic.
  • Major theme crisis, I just hate the way my blog looks so much, I really want to change it but I just can’t find a theme I like. Can someone design it for me? Not even joking here, I’ll pay you.
  • Okay maybe I won’t pay you, I have no money but I’ll grant you three wishes.
  • My cat is snoring.
  • I really love my cat, she is such a cute angel, you truly don’t understand how cute cat snoring is.
  • I wanted to be really productive this evening but I just fell asleep for three hours.
  • She makes cute purring sounds.
  • I did improve my novella and I’m really happy with that.
  • Lowkey want to get that shit published.
  • But I’m preparing myself for disappointment.
  • Half of me wants to buy the Venus II palette by Lime Crime cosmetics, but it’s super expensive and the colours are so pretty, but they’re also really wild and I wouldn’t use the black. Comment below if you’ve bought it and tell me what you think!
  • I want Mom jeans too but I have too many clothes not going to lie.
  • I’m so so ready for the half term, hopefully I’ll be able to blog more.
  • I just watched L’s audio blog and I loved it a lot.
  • I made a bucket list yesterday of things I would like to do before I’m 21 ¾  I’ll probably share when I’ve finished.
  • I would do an audio blog but I’m sort of scared because my blog is not anonymous, also I hate my voice and I’m not funny.
  • On top of theme design someone hit me up with a logo, I’ll grant you three wishes too.
  • I’m really close to 250 followers? Which is insane.
  • Apart from the gross theme I love my blog. Also everyone else with Button theme, your theme is not gross, it’s just that my background looks really bad and I don’t have a logo or anything, but it’s still a pretty theme and that’s why I chose it.

Well that was fun, I really enjoyed that, gold star if you read it all! Also, you’re all amazing and I actually love you all a lot, good night x

Friday: Half term party! It’s 1:16 am and this isn’t even late for me, but I think I should go bed considering I’m really tired. Today I planned on writing my Internet Hotel Café post but my mum is feeling very down and stressed right now so I thought it was best to spend time with her. She is in a very difficult situation and it just makes me feel so sad, because there isn’t much I can do for her, apart from just trying to support her.

I’ve done two pieces of homework tonight and I spent the rest of the night either with mum or watching youtube. I also wrote a guest post for the teenage blogger spotlight project thing that I’m not very good at naming, but I’m very happy that I did that. It was an okay first night off school, but I’ve just been feeling a little down because I know my mum isn’t happy. I’ve also got to go back into school on Monday to help out with drama but I’m getting my hair cut that day to, so to fit both in me and my mum can’t go for a coffee. But I was looking forward to that so much, so I’m just going to try my best to fit it in.

I’m trying to add to my 21 ¾ bucket list but it’s sort of weirdly hard to think of things to do, because I only want to put things on there that I’m going to feel really happy ticking off. I’m so happy on how it’s shaping up but I just need a few more pages of things that actually mean stuff.

I might photograph my makeup routine post tomorrow? I’m looking hella ugly right now, but I guess that’s the point. I’ll see you tomorrow folks.

Saturday: Hello friends, first day of half term was a success. Although I woke up to NO BREAD, so I improvised with chocolate porridge instead of chocolate spread and toast. I then finally transferred my iPhone photos to the computer so I can actually use my phone’s  camera again! I also helped my Dad use Photoshop, but I’m kind of terrible. Whoops.

In the afternoon I went for a walk with my Mum. We walked for about two hours, but we went through so much gorgeous countryside. It was so beautiful I almost couldn’t take it all in and it was lovely to spend some quality time was my Mum.

I came back home and wrote a blogpost. I’m sorry if you guys have been feeling a little neglected, school had been pretty hectic but hopefully I’ll have more time to post now I’m off school. Blogging literally makes me so so happy and as ‘fake’ as it sounds, I honestly care about you all so so much.

I tried to do a little homework but I’m feeling sort of sick so I’m going to read a book instead. I’m sorry this update was ever so slightly boring, I’m a little tired, I love you all angels ❤

Sunday: Reading  my  previous updates for this week and I’ve just realized how badly written everything is, sorry about that. Also bullet point time…

  • The sky was so beautiful earlier this evening.
  • I got two books today: ‘Establishment’ and ‘Chav’ by Owen Jones.
  • Today was Valentines Day and unfortunately no one has confessed their everlasting love for me.
  • I think I’ll get past that one.
  • I’ve never actually had a Valentine’s card.
  • When I was six year’s old I broke my arm the day before Valentine’s Day. I was in hospital for the occasion and made my Mum a V-Day card on the ward.
  • I’m getting my hair cut tomorrow!!!
  • I’ve decided to go for coffee after Drama rehearsals.
  • My mum is still stressed, but I’m trying to make things better for her.
  • I hit 250 followers! I like to think of you all as wonderful friends and I would just like to thank you all for taking the time to read my posts.


Thank you so much for reading,


57 thoughts on “Weekly Journal 8/02/16

      1. Please don’t stress yourself out and only do it if you can find the time. I’m not going to give you like a time limit! I’d just like something to put above my name that’s nice and simplistic. Probably with my blogging name ‘happy alex’ displayed in some sort of way. It’s probably best to go with black and white so it can adapt to my blog if my theme changes, but I sort of like the idea of having flowers and leaves around the letters, little harry potter glasses? Little kitty whiskers and ears? I’m sorry if I’m being a bit vague, I’m sure you’ll come up with something fantastic and make sure to email me if you want to ask me any questions etc BUT PLEASE DON’T PUT ANY PRESSURE ON YOURSELF, DO IT IN YOUR OWN TIME! XX

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Okay sure! I’ll make it quite large so that you can crop it to your liking. Also if I put your name on it, you don’t have to put your name again below? I think there’s something somewhere in the customiser which allows you to do that. I’ll try my best xx

        Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s a Christian holiday before lent, where traditionally you use up all the fatty things, which in the past were eggs, butter etc to make pancakes. I think you know, but lent is when you traditionally fast until Easter. Most people celebrate shrove/pancake tuesday in England now, even if you’re not a Christian and we normally just eat pancakes with lemon and sugar/nutella etc

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s insane. Lol my family is Catholic, we always celebrated “Fat Tuesday” lol I guess it’s the same thing, just more all about eating anything fatty you want. That’s cool how you guys do it with lemon and sugar, never even thought of that combination lol. Sounds good though!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Lemon and sugar is really nice because it’s not too sweet, because it has a sort of tanginess – like a more natural sherbet. I think there’s different versions of it around the world, but it’s the same sort of thing


      1. No, I love long blog posts! I love writing and I get carried away a lot of the time, even my comments on other peoples blogs can be one or two paragraphs haha!

        Liked by 1 person

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