
The Miranda Sings Award

Oh hello friends! I got nominated by the amazing Keira for The Miranda Sings Award, which belongs to one of my amazing blogging buddies Claudia’s Thoughts. I think the concept of this award is really lovely and I’m so happy that I got nominated for it. Thank you so much Keira, I appreciate it so so much!


  • Announce your win with a post and link the blogger who nominated you.
  • Include the featured image on your blog post. (wordpress is stopping me from uploading files sorry!)
  • Nominate 10 bloggers (or as many as you can think of) and link your nominations in the post.
  • List 7 things you love about yourself (This can be about your appearance, your personality, your achievements, etc.)
  • Don’t use negative connotation. (I.e. Don’t say things like – I’m prettier than an average person or People have told me I’m smart. You ARE pretty. You ARE smart.)


  1. So today I had my hair cut really short and I LOVE it.
  2. I have a great sense of style.
  3. I do my make up really well… sometimes.
  4. I’m naturally slim.
  5. I’m intelligent.
  6. My eyebrows are naturally good.
  7. I have a fantastic music taste.


Okay it was so difficult to not add negative connotations to that list but I did it! (and you can too!)


Please take time out of your day to check out all of these amazing blogs. Share the love ❤




You’re not alone in this world

A little safe place

Thank you so much for reading,




Follow my blog with Bloglovin if that’s your thing

78 thoughts on “The Miranda Sings Award

      1. Yeah lol. Anyway, I prefer black forest gâteau to regular chocolate cake, but I’m not complaining if there’s chocolate cake in the house 🙂

        Liked by 3 people

      1. I get what you mean as if you eat it too much, then you might get a bit bored of sick of it-I usually feel ill if I eat too much of it ,but we get hurt my the things we love the most haha

        Liked by 2 people

    1. You guys are so lucky, you have no idea how hard it is just being kinda average. I’m not fat or pudgy, but i’m constantly under pressure as my entire school year group can literally eat whatever the hell they want and i have to watch what i eat like a hawk =(

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Don’t worry Georgie, as long as you feel comfortable with who you are and what you look like, the thats all that matters. Honestly, the amount of comments I get saying that I don’t eat enough is a joke, so it does have its downfalls! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Yay! Finally another human to talk to about being naturally slim😂 Is it only me that gets my wrists entwined in somebodies measuring fingers at some part of the day?? Everyone always comments on the size of your legs??

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I cut my hair short recently, I like it but my mom doesn’t though lol 😀 Too late though. What is your music taste? I know you like David Bowie, r.i.p,. + I don’t know how to do makeup since i never used it, i might try. idek what to start with 😉 Great post as usual alexx 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well the most important thing is that you like it 😀 And I like a lot of stuff, current favourites are Daughter, Belle and Sebastian and Midlake. My all time favourite bands include Pulp, First Aid Kit and The smiths. If you want to, you should definitely try with makeup. I started of just using concealer, powder and mascara but now I like to have fun with different eye shadows etc If you want to learn how to apply make up I recommend youtubers such as Estee Lalonde and Zoella 🙂 xx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I honestly never heard of these bands before, I’ll check them out 😀 As for the make-up, I’ll try that too, one day lol 😉

        Liked by 1 person

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